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Practice 4.0 is at Alina Bordeaux !

The only trade show for the agri-food industry in the South West in 2023 !

Many of the industry’s biggest names, including SAFRAN, BOSCH, DASSAULT AVIATION, ….honoured us with a visit and in-depth technical discussions on subjects such as logistical loops, digital twins, voice assistants, artificial intelligence applied to control, large-scale 3D printing, predictive maintenance, the digital logbook, human assistance through cobotics

Particular emphasis was placed on the frugality of the solutions proposed (karakuri kaizen, lightweight robotics, optimised computing power, low-tech solutions that are also simple to implement, such as no code, etc.).

These are just some of the topics brilliantly covered by our regional nuggets present at Practice 4.0: AIO, AIRUDIT, ALGOTECH, ITECA, UBLEAM, AEROSPLINE, CODJII, VLM ROBOTICS, THINKDEEP AI, KOBOTIK, TECHVIEW, LGM

To complete the range of services on offer, PROPULS et DIHNAMIC were able to answer questions about support, debriefing and project financing for companies.

Les pôles de compétitivité AEROSPACE VALLEY, AQUITAINE ROBOTICS, ALPHA RLH et DIGITAL AQUITAINE/SMART 4D competitiveness clusters came together under a single banner to welcome visitors from the New Aquitaine and international ecosystems.

Academics were represented by Arts & Métiers de Bordeaux.

Good contacts were made, the demos were appreciated and the good humour 🤣😃😄 …. went as far as a cocktail service by a “cobot barman”.

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